Fish Creek Concerts

Bringing Good Music to South Calgary Since 2006!

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Years of Bringing Good Music

About Fish Creek Concerts

Fish Creek Concerts, presenting good music in South Calgary! (Contemporary and Traditional Folk, Jazz, World, Blues and Roots music) Avenue magazine Says “Fish Creek Concerts have gone where few musical series have gone before…the burbs. So far, the selection of talent from folk to jazz, world and blues music seems to be a ticket to success.”

Check on the links for the show locations,

  • 2024 2025 Seasons Tickets available now $350 for 12 shows over 9 months
  • Tickets are Fully Transferable
  •  Seasons Ticket Holders get occasional limited guest tickets
  • Can be purchased by cheque made out to Fish Creek Concerts and sent to 440 – 10816, Unit 319,  MacLeod Tr SE, Calgary, AB,T2J5N8 (Cheques can be dated up to Sep 1 2024)
  • Can be purchased by e-transfer to
  • And also by clicking on the Buy Seasons Ticket links below

Our 2024 2025 Season

Fish Creek Concert events

Shows are split between Southwood United Church, 10690 Elbow Drive SW. , and River Park Church, 3818 14A St SW

Season 2024 2025

2024 / 2025 Shows at River Park Church

September 2024 to May 2025 Limited tickets avaialble soon

-Friday September 27 @ River Park Jack Semple with band Lightfoot Show

-Friday October 25 @ River Park Julian Taylor

-Saturday Nov 23 @ River Park Steve Poltz & Danny Michel

-Saturday Nov 9 @ River Park Jane Sibbery

-Saturday March 22 @ River Park Stephen Fearing , Mia Kelly opening

Fish creek Concerts 24 / 25 season: Southwood Shows

September24 to May 25 Seasons Tickets on sale April 24 2024

  • Friday October 18 @ Southwood The Once
  • Friday Nov 29 @ Southwood  Scott Cook, Scott Nolan, Joe Nolan,
  • Friday Jan 24 @ Southwood Madison Violet
  • Friday Feb 7 @ Southwood  Catherine MacLellan
  • Friday March 7 @ Southwood Morgan Toney
  • Saturday April 5 @ Southwood Rum Ragged
  • Friday May 2 @ Southwood  Martyn Joseph 

Friday September 27, 2024

Jack Semple plays Lightfoot

Friday, Oct 18, 2024

The Once in Calgary

Friday October 18, 2024

Julian Taylor in Calgary Opened by Scarlett Butler

Julian Taylor's performance in October at Fish Creek Concerts is set to be a deeply meaningful event. With his roots firmly planted in Toronto, Taylor draws on his rich heritage, which includes both Black and Mohawk backgrounds.  Taylor’s work is not only a celebration of his identity but also a reminder of the ongoing fight for justice and recognition. Opening the show will be Scarlett Butler Scarlett Butler is a Canadian music duo comprised of SOCAN Award winners, Joni Delaurier & Troy Kokol

Saturday Nov 9, 2024

Jane Sibbery in Calgary

Saturday Nov 23, 2024

Steve Poltz and Danny Michel

Friday, November 29, 2024

Scott Cook, Scott Nolan and Joe Nolan in Calgary

Friday January 24, 2025

Madison Violet in Calgary

Friday, Feb 7, 2025

Catherine MacLellan & Mama's Broke in Calgary

Friday March 7, 2025

Morgan Toney in Calgary

Saturday March 22, 2025

Stephen Fearing opened by Mia Kelly

Saturday April 5, 2025

Rum Ragged in Calgary

Friday May 2 2025

Martyn Joseph in Calgary

Traditional Land Acknowledgement

In the spirit of reconciliation, Fish Creek Concerts acknowledges that we live, work and create on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the ÎyâxeNakoda Nations, the Métis Nation (Region 3), and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta. They were the original occupants of this land and continue to be here to this day. Fish Creek Concerts is grateful to have the opportunity to present in this territory.

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We are grateful for their generous and ongoing support of Fish Creek Concerts

Contact Us

Get In Touch


403 860-7067



440-10816 MacLeod Tr SE, Unit 319, Calgary, AB, T2J 5N8

© 2022 Fish Creek Concerts. All Rights Reserved.